Product Brand: CENTERVUE

Eidon AF represents the natural evolution of Eidon TrueColor Confocal Scanner, including all its features and functionalities, preserving its unsurpassed quality of image, and adding autofluorescence imaging capabilities. Eidon AF with Autofluorescence capability is now an extraordinary tool for obtaining multiple types of highvalue information from multiple imaging modalities: White illumination is able to provide […]

MAIA represents the latest advance in confocal microperimetry. Retinal images are acquired by Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (SLO). An eye tracker allows accurate, real-time, compensation of eye movements. MAIA is highly automated, very easy to use, non mydriatic and combines the best aspects of its predecessors. MAIA measures light sensitivity of the retina by projecting Goldmann III […]

Compass is the first Fundus Automated perimeter capable of performing standard 24-2 visual field testing, delivering TrueColor confocal images at the same time. COMPASS is a scanning ophthalmoscope combined with an automatic perimeter that provides confocal images of the retina, as well as measurements of retinal threshold sensitivity, under non-mydriatic conditions. FOR MORE INFORMATION PRESS HERE

DRS is the easiest non-mydriatic, digital retinal imager in the market. Thanks to its fully automated operation, DRS requires minimal operator training. Its compact, ergonomic design and low power flash help ensure patient comfort. DRS is conceived to maximize patients flow work and it is entirely operated through its intuitive touch-screen interface. It supports single […]

EIDON is the first system to combine the advantages of SLO with the fidelity of true color imaging, setting new performance standards in retinal imaging. EIDON provides unsurpassed image quality, 60° field in a single exposure, a unique, live, confocal view of the retina, three different imaging modalities and dilation-free operation, all integrated in a […]