Stereopsis Test: Tests and evaluates stereo depth perception for both gross stereopsis evaluation (500 & 250 seconds of arc) using six geometric forms from random dot backgrounds Graded circle test (400 to 20 seconds of arc) Test includes: • 1 pair of Standard 3-D Viewers • Answer key on back cover

Stereopsis Test: • Evaluate both gross stereopsis (355 to 700 seconds of arc) and fine depth perception • Graded circle test (800 to 40 seconds of arc) • Animal test for children (400 to 100 seconds of arc) Test includes: • 1 pair of Standard 3-D Viewers • Answer key on back cover

While the Optec® 5500 is easier to use than ever before, it retains the trusted accuracy it is known for. Among the features that make the Optec® 5500 so user-friendly are a remote control and use of color-corrected light. This model weighs less than 15 pounds, is portable, and requires a mere two square feet […]

The Optec® 5000P conducts simple, accurate, and repeatable visual screening tests in a few minutes. In addition to the ability to screen under a variety of conditions, including monocular, binocular, near, distance, peripheral and daytime. The 5000 model is lightweight, portable, and features a convenient light-emitting diode (LED) lighting system. Tests include: Adult and […]